Hong Kong (香港) – 2014
This one’s a mini because I wasn’t there long. My father came to visit me in Taipei and we decided to take a trip to Hong Kong and Macau for a few days so we could check out yet some other parts of China.
Being the cosmopolitan socialite that I am, I immediately fell in love with Hong Kong. You can sashay from glitz to grunge before your almond milk latte cools down and you realize your life is a meaningless play with no one watching (so stop insta-tweeting about it or whatever).
I didn’t take that many pictures while I was there because I was kind of enthralled, and also trying to not let my father get lost too far ahead of me. I had a badass time wandering around Hong Kong and checking out parks, the botanic gardens, wacky style and food from all over. We tried to see the pro-democracy student riots but unfortunately their situation improved so we didn’t have anything edgy to take pictures with. Jk, they had been semi-forcibly dispersed the day before we got there. There were still police all over the area carrying gigantic zip ties that were used to restrain anyone disrupting the public.
Hong Kong is somewhere I definitely want to go back to with more time and though my visit was brief, my initial impressions are that it’s a great mix of Asia and the West and would be a good starter city for someone who hasn’t been to Asia before.
All of my pictures (except Mr Breakfast down there) are in the evening because I went back out and roamed around by myself after my father went to bed each night. I took some pretty good photos with my phone during the daytime that I will round up and post soon.