Saturday morning

Saturday morning and it’s like a real weekend again because I’m not working the jobs where I’m currently underemployed (but thankful to have). Like being a kid again except instead of Saturday morning cartoons I read the news and ate low-fat Greek yogurt with oatmeal and honey mixed in. No one is at the house. My father is in South America skiing. My mom went to go visit family. Since nobody is home to disrupt my fantasy I decided to borrow one of their cars I could potentially have purchased with the reasonable compensation I receive from my imaginary personally-rewarding job.

Now that you guys have some backstory, I’ll let you know that I’m sitting at a coffee shop contemplating my random existence. Periodically I peek out the window to check on the unnecessarily-luxurious vehicle I borrowed. I must maneuver my head around the people in this crowded coffee shop to see out the window, and in doing so I see two parents and a young child all sitting at a table, each one playing around on their mobile devices. As well, I watch an older gentleman utilize modern technology by gradually speaking louder and louder into his phone to compose a text. It is very noisy in here and though he moves the phone closer to his mouth, he still fails and resorts to using his nearly-obsolete fingers to write a message.

Aurally I’ve already isolated myself from this environment. Shortly after sitting down, I put headphones in to drown out the feel-good religious talks people nearby are having. “I can’t believe I just did that in front of my boss. I mean, he’s an unbeliever and I’m a [insert generic religion here]—what kind of message am I sending.”

I realize I like irregular work schedules because they permit me to be alone more. I think when I started this entry there was some point or some hilarious joke I was trying to make. The more I write the less it seems like we’re going to get there.

Lately I’ve been working on another website that I could potentially show employers or places interested in hosting some of my more artistic photography. Originally I’d hoped to use this site as well as another site where I post writings and images that could be considered poetic. I’m excited for the new site, as well as some new travel plans and also some stories and galleries that I am still working on.

Okay, I have to go eat before I get loopy.

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