Tag: stories

pre-Bangkok paranoia

Bangkok customs line for the reticent.

Andrew and I arrived in Bangkok this morning at 05:30. There was some slight concern as to what our experience entering Bangkok would be like due to an interesting interaction I had with an airline employee. Don’t worry, it didn’t…

Palo Duro Canyon roadtrip

Seeing all the colors of the new world...

In honor of spring and the upcoming trip to Southeast Asia, Andrew, Shawna and I decided we should practice the habit of finding adventure wherever we happen to be.  Our typical routine in the area we live in (Dallas/Fort Worth…

Arkansas death wish

It’s 2009 and I just split up with a girl I was maniacally in love with.  Hindsight tells me our relationship was really more of unhealthy obsession…at least on my part.  At this point in my life I was even…

Houston, Chinese Consulate

Thanks, Houston!!

Sitting at a Starbucks in what must be the gayest district in Houston. I love it. We just finished up at the Chinese Consulate, dropping off our passports and paperwork to get visas. There was a line to the street before the consulate…