Month: October 2012

arrival and impressions

Pre-trip iced coffee from a cute street vendor.

I typically set six alarms for important events. Naturally, this idea frequently backfires and creates needless anxiety for me…. The vegetable truck leaves at noon—there’s no way we are going to sleep until noon. There’s also no way my paranoia will let me go five minutes without looking at my watch. Still, in my excitement I ruminate about everything that could possibly go wrong (…shout-out to childhood conditioning). In my head this trip was going to be the hard reset to the fucked-up beginning that had left me with an ever-shorter growing temper toward my two best friends. As usual, the worry was unnecessary. We gathered our things, turned in the guesthouse key and asked the first tuktuk driver we saw to take us Warorat Market. The driver was very friendly, making sure we got off where we wanted to…

notes from the train

Andrew, shortly after having a sex change and converting to Islam. Thanks Allah for second-class.

We got up this morning, gathered our things and gladly said goodbye to Koh Tao and its beaches, excited for the long journey back to Bangkok. Taxi to boat to bus to train to Bangkok! We got all the way…

introduction to crazy: the Aynap episode

The scenic walk toward insanity...

Despite my track record in the past few years I generally like to finish what I start. That’s why committing to volunteer (…it’s not volunteering when you pay to participate…) for one week at a permaculture community in Northern Thailand…