Country: France

So “I’ve been to France”…but pretty much just to the worst, most uninteresting part, Paris. My ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-girlfriend and I went there and hung out a few days. I would like to go back to other less-hyped areas, seeing as I don’t like tourist places, useless monuments, bad attitudes or people.

Paris…or whatever

Gypsies wander around landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, begging in a supremely half-assed manner which involved handing a sad story wrtten in multiple languages on piece of cardboard to tourists. If you didn't speak one language they just flipped the card over.

Paris, France – 2007 Once upon a time I happened to be in Europe and, surprisingly, I was with my girlfriend (not anymore), so going to Paris seemed like the trite, romantic thing to do. And it was. I found the people to be quite unfriendly and hostile, especially upon hearing me speak English, yet when I spoke French they snarled and spoke back in English. I got a general feeling of arrogance and self-importance from most of the people working in the service industry that I interacted with. For a city that receives significant revenue from tourism there certainly was a lot of complaining about having to serve tourists by its people. I would not go back to Paris and spend any of my own money. If I ever have a girlfriend who wants to go to said city…well…depending…