Month: June 2012


A series of blunders has caught up with me, leaving me temporarily stuck in Bangkok waiting for something to arrive from my homeland, from good old US soil.  The item was possibly the worst item to possibly lose besides my passport. I lost my Charles Schwab debit card. The Schwab card is absolutely badass for people who are traveling internationally because Schwab reimburses cardholders for all international ATM fees. I’ll let you all know I’m not getting paid to write this—I’m 100% unemployed right now. Thailand discourages tourism while raping foreigners financially (this is one of just many ways) by charging a 150 baht (approximately $5) fee for every withdrawal from a Thai ATM machine. So…I lost my card…yep…my bad. Apparently I tried to do a few too many things at once and got careless, leaving the card in an…

journey to Pai

I just decided last-minute to get on a bus and go to Pai, a town known for being super chilled out and populated with a bunch of hippies. When I see it like that it’s hard to imagine why I’d…

quick Myanmar visa run

A dark, rainy day. It feels like I should be comfortably nestled in a library, sitting cross-legged on the floor, immersed in a book. A day that reminds me of childhood. But I’m nowhere near a library—I’m in a mini-van…

sweat and disagreement

Right now I’m sitting alone in a small coffee shop in a city called Chiang Mai. It’s somewhat of a sleepy town, filled with cafés and restaurants. I would love this kind of place. Unfortunately, I’m in an incredibly impatient…