Month: April 2012

Arkansas death wish

It’s 2009 and I just split up with a girl I was maniacally in love with.  Hindsight tells me our relationship was really more of unhealthy obsession…at least on my part.  At this point in my life I was even more confused than I am now and my typical reaction pattern to such a stressful event was to feel suicidal and try to escape.  The escape part of my reaction was fine because it was the middle of March and I normally go on a roadtrip every year in March as a celebration for my birthday.  Usually I go with my brother but this year I planned on going on a trip by myself this year because the intent was either to snap/shock myself out of this depression or to kill myself in the secluded backwoods of some state park.

luxury and misery

I started a post yesterday that was going to chronicle my troubled life consisting of breezy days on the patio drinking iced caramel macchiatos, blogging away on my new laptop…but I got sidetracked thinking about backpacks and selling all of my shit. Certain conversation invariably comes up with friends about why we’re dissatisfied with our lives when we are so incredibly fortunate. I live with my parents and work about 30 or so hours a…


Right now I’m sitting outside a Starbucks like I often do. The reason I come here is because 1) I work at this particular store so I don’t usually pay for drinks, and 2) it is within walking distance of home. I was at home cleaning out my room and the garage, looking for things to sell or donate. The idea of minimizing what I own is very appealing; it’s always been somewhat a romantic fascination of…

a peaceful reminder

This morning I woke up feeling incredibly rested. I went to the bathroom and then walked back in my room with a calm presence over me, somewhat hyper-aware, admiring the way the carpet felt on my feet. Kind of in a surreal state where random thoughts just pop in your head, like “I’m so thankful my feet and legs work.” I laughed to myself and looked at the clock to see what time it was. It…