Month: January 2011

126 yuan and getting closer

126 yuan...almost a millionaire!

The other morning I went downstairs to scan a map and print it out. Only problem was my dad was at computer looking at tennis matches or finances or something. He started talking…and in general I don’t just interrupt and change the subject…but really I wanted to not hear him talk. So I shared with him that I was researching Nánchang and seriously considering it. I mentioned I saw flights from Nánchang to Shànghai for what would be around $40. I knew what would happen next. He pulled up (a Chinese airfare website) and started plugging in destinations and asking questions with his trademark investigative journalist tone. This was almost worse than listening to him talk about whatever he was talking about before and I began to question ever opening my mouth. My father and I then looked up some currency conversions just out of curiosity and tried…

will to focus

I have been struggling to focus on projects for a long time now. Photography, music, writing. I sit down and get started only to get sidetracked and have more than a dozen tabs open in two different browsers. I have wanted to publish a book of my writings and photographs for years now. I have wanted to record certain pieces of music for years now. Previously I thought I was not accomplishing these goals because I didn’t…