Month: January 2013

Berlin to Miami

Hi Helga, I'm Brian. When I told you I was a photographer I didn't mean I was an employed photographer. Thanks for not asking more questions. Hope you enjoyed the flight.

So did you guys hear about that time I bought a last-minute plane ticket to travel across the world, feeling desperate and hopeless? Yeah…it’s happened a few times already this year. Here’s the most recent story about changing climates, an old winter/summer switcheroo. Some family friends who have a condo off the Gulf Coast of Florida heard I was having a hard time with the weather and very kindly offered the use of their unoccupied condo to me. This opportunity proved too hard to turn down—the gray, dreary February skies of Germany in exchange for sunshine, short sleeves and palm trees in Florida. Sounds like an even trade. Here’s the story of my trip from Berlin to Miami. Maybe I will also start tweeting my entire existence soon, who’s interested?! Act I: Journey to Berlin-Tegel International Airport (Hat Trick Metro…

Berlin daydream

Reverse cup holder...New Year's style.

Last night, with the help of my current host and illustrator friend Ditte Winkelman, I purchased a ticket to Berlin. Those of you who receive my frantic e-mails already know that I’m very hopeful about this move. Maybe one day…

Rotterdam: remnants of New Year’s partying

See-through with black rim...slut of the umbrella world. No wonder she got abused and ran over. Still looks hot though...

You’ve probably heard that New Year’s parties are all about wild times. You know, grab your buddies, take an umbrella out and get fucking plastered. Yeehaw! Wanna party even harder?? Let the hellish weather of your cozy riverside hometown devour…