Paris…or whatever

Paris, France – 2007

Once upon a time I happened to be in Europe and, surprisingly, I was with my girlfriend (not anymore), so going to Paris seemed like the trite, romantic thing to do. And it was.

I found the people to be quite unfriendly and hostile, especially upon hearing me speak English, yet when I spoke French they snarled and spoke back in English. I got a general feeling of arrogance and self-importance from most of the people working in the service industry that I interacted with. For a city that receives significant revenue from tourism there certainly was a lot of complaining about having to serve tourists by its people. I would not go back to Paris and spend any of my own money. If I ever have a girlfriend who wants to go to said city…well…depending on how hot she is I might let it go.

Years later while traveling in Bangkok, I met a French guy named Pierre who asked if I had ever been to France. I told him I’d only been to Paris. He apologized profusely and said he hopes I get a chance to experience the other sides of France. I told him I understood. I realize every experience is unique and mine could’ve been an isolated incident.

Anyway, there were some things I truly did appreciate in Paris. The things I enjoyed most were The Lourve, a museum containing the artwork of mentally ill people from all periods of history, and watching Gypsies beg in an impressively half-assed manner at each cultural monument. Their lack of enthusiasm, counter-intuitively, was somehow inspiring. I just imagined what it could be like to live life not caring, or care less. The sense of indifference and freedom was evident in their expressions and behavior.

Sorry if you were hoping this really had anything to do with Paris…

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