back in Texas

…I still don’t entirely know how I feel about it (not really an unfamiliar situation) but apparently I’m back in Texas. I can tell this by the surprised smiles and hugs from friends and people I haven’t seen in a while, by the lack of tropical plants everywhere and by the fact I feel obligated to look for a job.

The word indefinite, as in “I’m going to travel in Asia indefinitely,” was something I thought I’d understood.  Even if I know what it means intellectually, mentally/emotionally…I don’t, because indefinitely, for me, was a finite period—exactly two months. That’s how long I was in Asia.

This is much less time than I thought I’d be gone, but as frustrating as that is for some reason it was probably the best choice. Things were not working out and no matter what I tried I couldn’t seem to reset myself and get a new attitude. I resolved there was no point keeping myself in Asia just because I had originally hoped to be there longer—that kind of reasoning hasn’t really done a lot for me in the past.

So…the post about that one time in northern Thailand I found myself staring at my hand dripping blood all over the ground from two severed fingers…or the post where I was shaking, shivering and cradling myself on the ground in the middle of a hike in the Cameron Highlands after being attacked by hornets that left my arms bleeding…or one about the time someone in Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur basically hit Shawna with her car and I blew up and started to throw my water bottle at her—but then realized that would be littering—so instead tried to punch her window in…those will all be posted retroactively.

See ya.

Oh yeah, if you are or know anyone who is looking to hire a sarcastic, unstable, relatively-young “cool” dude…let met know…I’m looking for a job. I can write, take photos, edit photos and I like to laugh…just keep me in mind.

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