Tag: China

During 2011 I lived in China for six months, teaching English and wandering around. China was my first experience with Asia and it is still one of my favorite places, despite it having been one of the most challenging.

my Asian fascination

Outside the apartment in Shanghai, I feel manic just looking at this beautiful mess of opportunity.

From the future I’m apologizing for what I’m about to say in the past, below: I’m sitting in a Taiwanese milk tea shop in Arlington. From this bench seat I can see the university I attended, where by way of an advertisement posted in a stairwell I happened to be walking in, I found out I could study Chinese and complete two years of mandatory foreign language coursework in one year of time. This is the path through which I became interested in Asia. This could’ve been a trivial detail in my life but it’s not at all. It’s hard for me to even fathom what my life would be like now had that not happened. My entire attitude and life shifted from a state of passive acceptance to actively taking risks and feeling excited and engaged in my own…

Jessica and the Christopher Columbus story

One-way ticket to Shanghai...who knows where we were here. I felt such a sense of freedom and success to have no bridge home.

Many things I view as significant personal achievements, some of them are things that I may not have done myself but may have elicited from others. Sometimes you’re an astute listener and people share secrets; sometimes you’re a puppeteer of…

luxury and misery

I started a post yesterday that was going to chronicle my troubled life consisting of breezy days on the patio drinking iced caramel macchiatos, blogging away on my new laptop…but I got sidetracked thinking about backpacks and selling all of my shit. Certain conversation invariably comes up with friends about why we’re dissatisfied with our lives when we are so incredibly fortunate. I live with my parents and work about 30 or so hours a…

a peaceful reminder

This morning I woke up feeling incredibly rested. I went to the bathroom and then walked back in my room with a calm presence over me, somewhat hyper-aware, admiring the way the carpet felt on my feet. Kind of in a surreal state where random thoughts just pop in your head, like “I’m so thankful my feet and legs work.” I laughed to myself and looked at the clock to see what time it was. It…

au revoir

It seems to be I am in the state where getting out of this country, or maybe just being somewhere totally new, has become a top priority in my life. So exigent is this desire that at times I can’t sit still and I feel a burn in my skin at the thought of being here, of feeling like I am doing nothing “beyond existing”. It sounds pretty dramatic. I frequently miss China, though I try…