Country: Thailand

I love Thailand and I discovered traveling in a whole new way during the time I spent there. Thailand is a beautiful country full of expansive nature, congested cities, and people wearing sandals.

Françoise and the rhythm…a clubbing story

The story of how I found my rhythm, as told mostly in 15-minute increments. Note how it started out as a normal moderately anti-social evening but progressed into something beautiful, something special. Clubbing required me to travel lightweight (no camera)…

lack of sleep, consequences and reform

Our "couch" in Bangkok. It was so hot that when I woke up everywhere my body had touched the bed was wet.

It’s 11:42 and I’m lying on the mattress in the room where Andrew and I are couchsurfing, physically and mentally worn out but having trouble resting. The constant otherworldly humidity coupled with the lack of sleep has finally caught up…

pre-Bangkok paranoia

Bangkok customs line for the reticent.

Andrew and I arrived in Bangkok this morning at 05:30. There was some slight concern as to what our experience entering Bangkok would be like due to an interesting interaction I had with an airline employee. Don’t worry, it didn’t…