Tag: America

This is the wacky country I was born in. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it’s great.

2014 is a number, not a year to review, part 2.

keep walking, b

Part two, 2014! I’m back in the USA, no longer shitting blood and vomiting–life’s getting better, right?? Maybe you can look at the title and figure that one out…. Before I left for South America I requested off work and told my boss I was going to Peru indefinitely. For some reason she said she’d hold my job. So when I returned home I started working at the coffee shop again but the day after I got there I found out my cool boss had been transferred to another store and replaced with an ogre-looking bitch. Quickly my experience at work went from being generally pleasant to consistently stressful. Work was my refuge from the rest of my seemingly ever-disintegrating life. I didn’t make much money there and the people were often rude, but at least it was stable and…

how to not inspire people: job ads

how not to inspire people

I was writing another post talking about 2014 and my time floating in and out of it, but I got interrupted by myself and started searching for jobs because my bank statements are telling me I need (at least) one…